Saturday, May 31, 2014

fake acquaintences - "help" terrorizing

walking from table mountain in homeward direction a youthful tall Hispanic likely female walking with headphones on approached me and took off her headphones to get acquainted similarly to Hispanic youthful guy harassing me several times in mornings insisting on telling me hi multiple times after being told to get lost. I yelled "American government pays money to wipe out peoples lives." some kid who likely harassed me many times over at adults behest jumped out and screamed he wanted to take a pic as I was "such a bitch." when I passed by location where another terrorist was playing "being nice" I said again - "American government pays money to wipe out peoples lives"- the scoundrel likely reported to social worker named Jennifer part of the terrorist squad and they had all lights turned on as I approached from distance. after I passed them up I said again - "American government pays money to wipe out peoples lives."likewise at chevron a terrorist squad member gave me a few cans in garbage bag and wanted to know if they were being helpful? - not in best case scenario not by far. this approximates this country - steal a gazillion  back an insult. steal it and smile persecution and extortion thievery for own gain services.